Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Patience is a Virtue

Today during clean up:

Student (over the noise of the class): Mrs. Butler?  You are an amazing teacher!
Me: Thank you! You are an amazing student! (I usually offer A's for these sweet comments as well:))
Student: No, I mean, you are REALLY patient! Don't  you sometimes just wanna SMACK some of these people???

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Bet This Didn't Happen Where You Work Today

When your day begins like this, it can only get better, right?!

Monday, March 23, 2015

How Do You Like Them Apples?

Overheard today:
1st student: Can you feel your apple?
2nd student: Yeah! It's right here!
3rd student: Let me feel! I can't feel mine, it's not there!
1st student: Don't worry, you're probably just pushing it too hard.
3rd student: Well I don't think I have an apple.
2nd student: You can't push on it too hard, or else you'll die! I can SEE yours! Go look in the mirror!
3rd student, looking in mirror : OH YEAH! I SEE IT, THERE IT IS!!

Me: Actually, none of you have Adam's Apples, because you're all eight and nine year old girls.

I've added 2 new products to my TpT store--1 freebie, and a new April Choice Board!

Tonight is the last night of Spring Break (technically, since it's after midnight, that ship has sailed). In true "me" fashion, I can't sleep. I spent last night and tonight making a couple of things for the store, and it's made me excited to go back to try them out! I will post some pictures here of the math Problem of the Day as we go--I really hope it makes them think!

We have the "big test" coming up in a couple of weeks, so time to be VERY SERIOUS. Which is generally not my forte. Oh well, after that we'll be free to enjoy teaching and learning again! I will also upload some pictures from activities we did from the March Choice Board--namely the Leprechaun Traps! They were such fun! Until then, here are the links to my new stuff.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

It's Elementary!

Today during math, 2 students were looking at a small food scale:

1st student (with frustration, to another student ): It's  a SCALE. You put stuff on it to see how much it WEIGHS.
2nd student: But it's  so small, you can't  weigh anything with THIS!
1st student: Well, what do you think it's for, then?? It's  a scale, and you WEIGH STUFF ON IT! It's SCIENCE, have you HEARD OF IT??!?
2nd student: (eyerolls...)
1st student: Here! Let me spell it for you! Have you ever heard of it? (writing on board) IT'S PHYSICS!!!

Well, at least he's  passionate about something!?!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Try a Little Tenderness

We are always trying to learn new vocabulary words to jazz up our writing in 3rd grade. Today's word was gentleness.

Me: Gentleness is a noun. If you are practicing gentleness, you are being careful and calm with something that is fragile, or that can easily be damaged or broken. Who has a connection to this word?
Student: Oh! I do! My new baby sister is fragile, so we have to handle her with gentleness!
Me: That's a great connection!
Student: Yeah, her head's still soft and squishy on top, and you can't bang it on anything or else you'll dent her.
Me: That soft spot is called the fontanel, and it's a spot where the bones of the skull aren't fully fused together yet to allow for growth (feeling pretty smug about the way I just snuck in some additional information--Go Me!).
Student: Well, whatever. My mom just doesn't want her head all dinged up.

Sometimes the best explanation is the simplest explanation. Happy Monday!