Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Getting to Know You...

As I went through the Reading Interest Surveys from my third graders, I felt that I REALLY got to know some of them. REALLY understand where they are coming from. Let me show you what I mean.

This one? Such. A. Ham 

This one has 96 books (roughly), and has an adorable favorite. 

This one, although has 500,000 to choose from, has no faves. May be hard to please.
This one may be a bit confused about, well, time. And days. And weeks. And summer.
I'm so thankful this one has no interest in reading parenting books. At age 8.
And these 2? Have completely ruined my Amazon book order. Sigh. Back to the drawing board. Also, looking up pood stic's. Not sure what genre they might fall into.

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